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                Current location:
                COMPANY PROFILE
                Jin Jin Electronic Technology
                Dongguan Jinjin Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. was established in August 2021. The registered capital is 5 million yuan. It is a professional power supply manufacturer integrating design, production and sales.
                The main products are: switching power supply, adapter, charger, cabinet customized power supply, control board, LED driver, etc. 1~300W switching power supply has independent development capability.
                Our company is continuously committed to product development and technical improvement to improve our competitiveness. Existing products have passed UL, ETL, CE, GS, UKCA, CB, PSE, SAA, CCC, CQC and other safety certification.
                The factory covers an area of 4500 square meters, with 120 employees, 8 SMT lines and 4 assembly lines. The monthly production capacity is 600000 various power supplies
                R&D TECHNOLOGY